- Check-in starts at 14:00 on the day of arrival. Check-out must be by 10:00 on the day of departure .
- All fees for stay are to be paid upon arrival.
- Photo Identification must be presented at check-in.
- Only guests who have paid for stay are allowed in the facility.
- There is no smoking allowed in the entire facility. There will be a 200 zl charge for breaking the rule.
- Facility may refuse to continue providing services to persons in violation of the rules. We may also request immediate departure from our premises without refund of fees paid.
- We are not responsible for any valuables lost or stolen. Note, our parking is monitored but we do not assume any responsibility in case of any damage.
- Guest is responsible for any and all damage done.
- Lighting outside will be available from 22:00 to 6:00.